15 February, 2014


Having inspections done on a house that you’re buying is quite terrifying. You’ve hired someone to go into every crack and crevice that you will be responsible for and find every miniscule detail of what is wrong with it.

I would describe it as having a child and believing that when that child is born that it is perfect and beautiful and can do no wrong, which of course every mother thinks about their children and this house is kind of like my child at this point.

So, I have this perfect child and then I've gone to my most honest friend, who of course always tells me the truth no matter what, and asked that friend to tell me what they think about my child and, of course, instead of lying and saying my child is beautiful like everyone else has said, this friend proceeds to point out every flaw that my child has and then hands me a big ole’ bill for their words of wisdom. 

Sigh, if only child bearing could be easier. 

Alas, it isn't, and therefore I’m forced to come to terms with the imperfections that my house has and think very, very, hard (well not that hard because I still LOVE the house) about whether or not I want to proceed with closing. 

And I most likely am because: a) I don’t want to continue house hunting, 2) my apartment has already been subleased to a WONDERFUL, though slightly too sharing of their personal lives, couple, and iii) the changes aren't that costly and really, people have lived with worse, right? 


In the immortal words of my great-grandmother, “Do the worst first”. So I’m honing into her spirit and foraging ahead into the great beyond of home-ownership, willing and ready to tackle all the imperfections of my little housey and ready to throw away my money on things that I deem meaningless (new windows? I mean seriously, can’t I live with the old, chipped, unsafe windows that are there currently?).

In the other immortal words of my grandmother, “This too shall pass”…hopefully. 


  1. You should have a chat with Mark and Maggie about installing new windows. They bought new ones to better insulate their home and save on energy bills. Now that it's been a couple years since they've invested, they can probably give you an idea of how much they saved vs. how much they spent windows.

    Or, you know, they may stare at you uncomfortably and say "I'VE NO IDEA."

    Also, I wanna know what this over-sharing couple said...

  2. See if your area has a Habitat for Humanity home restore! I plan on making making many a trip to ours!
